Satoshi & Makoto - In A Corner Of Asia / Tous Les Jours (Single)

Regular price €2.00
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While interrogating the prisoners known as Satoshi and Makoto, we discovered the existence of further prepared transmissions hidden within a mainframe computer at their secluded site in Kawasaki, Japan. These will be made available to the public under the Safe Trip organization catalogue number “ST007”.


Unlike their previous recordings, which we previously released under the catalogue number “ST006”, these intended “future transmissions” feature repetitive beats designed to make unwitting listeners dance enthusiastically. They were created with their favoured Casio Corporation CZ-5000 synthesizer and combine their usual colourful and tuneful musical elements with rhythms influenced by early Japanese and American “techno” recordings. We have been unable to accurately date their creation, though we believe it to be sometime in the early 1990s.